loud house luan sick fanfiction

Cameron: Wow, Lori and Bobby sure do have a nice place. Shall we? Since I don't like writing descriptions I'll get to the point quickly. Lane eventually turns out to be a product of Lincoln's imagination as it was revealed the entire adventure was a dream. It all started when a family moved into Royal Woods and caught the eye of a certain Loud. Luans love for standup comedy means shes a nonstop barrage of jokes, silliness, puns, props, and pranks that includes squirting flowers and whoopee cushions, so beware! Luna was annoyed about Luan not asking her for help. 14 (S1-TLHM)[4]15 (S5-present) Likes Goal Here's some loud house fanfic ideas I plan to make in the future or some I can give to others if they interested. Its a chocolate cake. The memory of what happened at the beach kept replaying in his mind. Luan is a sophomore (a freshman in Seasons 1-4) at Royal Woods High School and attends school with her siblings Leni and Luna. Background information But, I'll be fine. "You can never have too much money." He said as he gently rubbed Lori's head. Luna: I told you sis. She swings. Leni: Why don't we go find Linky instead of being upset like this? Current He. That issuspicious. Now, let's try to get other drone inside the house. Non-permitted web videos of othersHer pranks being ruinedLincoln being bulliedScience fiction movies (sometimes)Missing April Fool's DayPrincess PonySophisticated partiesKnock-knock jokes (sometimes)Nobody liking her comedyLynn being competitiveWrong punchlinesHaving her leftovers being stolenStage frightBeing too shyHer spotlight being takenSomeone gets attention more than herLola's bratty behaviorSomeone more talented than herJapanese mecha figuresPimples/zitsMr. I ONLY REALIZED WHEN IT WAS TOO LATE!!! Coconuts being brokenKnitting (formerly) But since it's raining, I won't be the queen of-. Clyde: What did he mean by "a couple months left"? Luan: Thanks again for helping me Linc. She aims her ball towards the hole. When Luan is very thirsty, her voice becomes raspy, forcing her to cough to get her voice back to normal. Voicemail: Hey, this is Lori Loud. (looks closelyat the thermometer) And it looks like her temperature was (shock) 100 degreesF?! All started at the Loud House, in Luna and Luan's room shows Luan laying on her bed coughing and sneezing. (Huge Fart) Sorry, I'm a bit gassy today, but still it taste like Lynn's socks!!! Her habits include telling jokes and puns (which many of the other characters don't like), pulling pranks, party clowning, and video production. Luan (sad): Im sorry Lincoln. From whoopee cushions to squirting flowers, to her ventriloquist dummy Mr. Coconuts, Luan is ALWAYS ready for the perfect prank. Music used:Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeodUnknown Item Acquisition - Metroid: Zero MissionJesus Christ! It played so much, he didn't like the beach anymore.*. (Lincoln grabs his phone and dials Lori's number. So come on Leni, let me have a "shot"!! She wears a yellow mask with a red diamond-shape over one eye and a black one over the other, a yellow and black jester's shirt, one yellow boot, and one black boot. Where are you going? *The girls laughed, as Lincoln was in pain. Luna notices Luan leaving. Why didn't I think of that?" Luan: Sorry Luna. A Loud's Return 27 parts Ongoing Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav. In which Alexand What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? *The loud siblings walk home, as soon as they came home, Lynn came down*, *Everybody moved out the way to reveal Lincoln, in which Lynn ran up to him and hugged him tightly*. Younger You're acting suspicious. Cristina Pucelli The other four were Lori, In some countries, Luan is also used as a male name. "I'm not sure about that anymore." Lincoln answers it and it reveals to be Lori and Bobby.). Lori: No, of course not. loud house luan sick fanfictionhow big are the waves in huntington today? Her goal is to make the world laugh along with her, though some of her material still needs work. But they wanted to apologize? Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. Bobby: Great! All the sisters minus Lola, Lisa and Lynn: WHAT?! [5] This is the only time of the year where Luan is thoughtless and cruel to her entire family. CoconutsHer siblingsClownsMexican foodMac and cheese bitesMashed potatoesBananasMarco Polo (the game)Sock puppetry"funny"-side up eggs (eggs with square yolks)PuppetsBurpin' BurgerDairylandBalloon animalsChocolateDream BoatScaring LeniPopcornBrowniesBraiding Lucy's hairPlaying her game consoleRabbitsHughWild partiesDessert StormLincoln having a conniptionPizzaChocolate cakeIce creamBeef stroganoff ("You know I can't get anoff of it! However, she does not wear her emotions on her sleeves in this situation, as she closes her eyes rather than full-stop crying out loud, to avoid giving her siblings the impression of immorality, also showing that she lacks courage. He was being used as a slave and gets constantly bullied. In this story, Lincoln has to deal with a lot of crazy events, like family arguements, gang wars, and tragic losses. ), (Then they see Lori and Bobby leave the centre talking. *No response, Leni tried again, but no avail, which made Leni open the door and see the note*, *Everybody came to Lincoln's room, except Lynn Jr*, Dear Loud Sisters, If you are reading this note, I ran away at 4am and you discovered it after 7am. I have to know! Swipe to read all about our favorite jokester! To be a comedian Stella: Relax Leni. Lincoln was holding his stomache in pain. The final chapter of my Loud House fanfiction!Music used:Temple Of Seasons Remix - Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsEternal Hope - Kevin MacLeodThe Purest Sky And Sea - Touhou Project: Concealed The ConclusionIf you enjoyed today's video, leave a like and comment in the comment section down below, and be sure to hit the subscribe button if your new. She also owned another ventriloquist dummy (before Mr. Coconuts) named Colonel Crackers. Lori: No, you were wrong! Other names Please, come home. Lynn Sr: Why isn't he waking up? Lynn : It's raining Luan : Oh come on! Just pour down. Stella: (to Lincoln on phone) This is Stella to Lincoln. Lincoln: Oh. She was used a rop and a catapult to throw her pie at her face. Luan's ideal superpower is to turn invisible so she can deliver literal punchlines. I have to go back! Lori: (rubs her belly) I'm sure they will. Luan was already gone. Woman: That doesnt matter. *Lincoln starts to get out of Clyde's bed, as Luna is facing the opposite way Lincoln came out, the right, which Lincoln came out of the left, he then joined Luna on the bed*. Literally wrong! Relatives She puts her one her clown outfit and runs downstairs. Pets Luan began doing stand-up comedy when she was eight years old where she performed for the Loud family pets' birthdays. Leni: (hugs Lincoln) Aw, Linky. Luna (puts her hands on Luans shoulders): Dude! The Loud Sick View source (It begins at the Loud House, Lincoln is sitting on the couch while playing a video game. The cake from yesterday. Luan (sad): I gave Lincoln a left over cake from one of the party gigs. You probablyfeelterrible. Pfft!! Cause, it looks like you're not looking good. Examples are singer. Lincoln (hugs Luan back): Its ok Luan. *As soon as he finished that sentence, Lily came down*, *Lily wanted to be carried by Lincoln, so he carried her. According to Lincoln, Luan has not used fresh whipped cream for her pranks ever since Lana and Lola were babies because expired cream attracts animals. Luan: Oh come on! Luan records herself sleeping, in case she tells a joke in her sleep. Luna: Its ok sis. What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? Voice Lincoln: Oh no. Lincoln: I already did that, but I guess I'll be sleeping here tonight. Luan has prominent buck teeth, which sport silver braces on her upper and lower teeth, and light brown hair worn up in a large ponytail with a small swirl at the end by a yellow scrunchie (presumably the hairtie), with two long protruding hairs sticking out from the center of her forehead. My stomach is killing me! Bye! But the 1st 3 people infected move around more often. Luan is very intelligent, as she is able to outwit her family with her pranks;[5][12][13] in "Fool Me Twice", she hires the stunt family to ridicule the stunt double family with success; she also intimidates her parents to the point of them being too scared to punish her. they already made up a few hours after the episode, at least I think so. Coconuts (dummy/soulmate)GigglesColonel Crackers (former)The Santiago familyThe Casagrande family, ComedyPulling pranks on her siblingsMaking puns and jokesMaking prank callsMaking funny videosFunny internet videosWhoopee cushionsThrowing piesApril Fool's DayMr. Lynn Jr: Don't blame me because I was right! Anything for my funny clown. She once retired from pranking on April Fools' Day, but has since regained her inspiration for pranking from Lily. I was free today! It was Wednsday morning and all Loud, except for Lincoln all went downstairs for breakfest. Maybe tomorrow we'll do it! I should have never given you that cake. I am free today. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln and Luan were at Lunas and Luans room. Lincoln: It's going fine. Really. Rita: Hey Lincoln come on. In which Alexand What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? *Grabs her equipment and hears her heart*, Luan: *Smiles, giggles hoarsely & softly*, Leni: *Smiles* Your heart has a nice beat and it's doing good. Likewise, Luan gets jealous of Lucy surpassing her lifelong dream of becoming the youngest performer of Royal Woods Theater and becomes obsessively possessive of her upon discovery of the news. When she was a baby, she entertained her family with sock puppets. Lincoln walked back upstairs with Luans comedy props and walked into her room and put them on the floor. (to the rest) I think we should check on her just in case. At age six, Luan was the middle child when Lucy was born. Luan Loud loves to make people laugh. Lincoln is sick and I have no one to assist me. Luan: Oh man! Do you know where Lincoln is? Lincoln quickly runs to the bathroom and barths in the toilet. Queen of The Loud House Luan Nickelodeon UK, Loud House's Wildest Pranks with Luan! I can't anymoreI need to show myself to themone by one, perhaps? Additionally, she interned at the mayor's office in "Future Tense" and helped solved Royal Woods' parking crisis, although this was done on behalf of her parents. Her prototype design had a gag flower on her skirt, but none on her shoes. "I'm not sure about that anymore." Maybe we should tell him that his favorite TV show got a renew. Middle School student (before "Rita Her Rights")High school student (since "Rita Her Rights")Owner of Funny Business Inc.Babysitter Luan: Oh man! All the kids laughed, but the mother was furious at Luan. Leni: *Yawns, falls asleep with Luan in her arms*, *Rita comes to Luna and Luan's room and peeks out of the door and sees Luan and Leni sleeping in her bed*. The girls hear Lincoln barfing again and weakly saying: My tummy hurts. As a result, Luan got deleted out of existence, although she returned when Lisa and Lily prevented this timeline alteration. Hahahaha. Anyways, sweet dreams girls. Woman of the house: Wait. In "Time Trap! Rita: *gasp* Oh no. Is she feeling okay? 1216 Franklin Avenue, Royal Woods, Michigan During her first party gig, she tried her best to make the party kids laugh and smile. Plot: When Luan's not feeling well Leni has to make her better while the other Louds are out. Lincoln: Eh, I'd say she is, but anyways, here I am, in all my glory. Outside of the original pilot short, the only time she has used her gag flowers was when she tried to cool herself off in front of the freezer before finding out about Lincoln's new pool[18] and when she used it on Lincoln before trying to wake up Lynn Sr.[19]. I will get you a pail. We can play at Lori's Golf Course. Lincoln: At least everything is back to normal. Her familyBennyClydeRonnie AnneMr. It just what you guys call me. Well, see you later Dad. Where is your assistant? I almost forgot. Bobby: We don't know yet. Lori: Since mom and dad are out, I'm in charge. I'm so sick I'm not in a mood for a joke right now!!! Leni: Lincolnwake up! She also didn't have any braces. In the end, Lincoln tells Luan that the moving truck has mostly empty boxes, but the boxes with stuff in them have all of her stuff, which makes Luan chase after the truck. We were just worried about you! Get it? She always has a positive and cheerful attitude. Plot Synopsis: April Fools day has arrived, and Luan is up to no good with her pranks again. Luan also used her baby brother Lincoln as a ventriloquist dummy and cheered him up along with her other sisters whenever he got upset. Luan: *Smiles, swallows* Pfft!! Lincoln: Lori, why don't you take this hole first? Lincoln: Are you sure? Lori, Leni and Luna had pancakes, Luan was eating bacon and eggs, Lynn was having a meatball sub, Lucy and Lisa were eating cereal, Lola and Lana were having hot dogs and Lily was eating mashed potatoes. Comon! But where do I sleep? Lisa: Actually, Lincoln has suffered food poisoning. During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. Who will survive in the end? Lisa: Wait. Luan enrolled in a clowning academy when she was younger and graduated, turning her into the clever prankster she is today. Lincoln eats the cake and goes back to his room. What's up? Lincoln: Well Lori, Bobby and I were suppose to redo today the golf course yesterday. Well, we should all go home, pretty sure even Lily is worried about me. Lets put Lincoln back to bed. Get it? Luan is rather immature, as she has a childlike fondness for pranking people and laughing at their misfortunes. Rita: Hey, Leni, could you go wake up Lincoln? Luna Loud has hid her true self for far too long. *The 2 friends went to bed and woke up at 7am*, *The siblings (minus Lincoln) are now awake, at the table with bacon and pancakes as breakfast*. Clyde: Hi! Now go to your room! Completed suicidalthoughts loriloud loudhouse +12 more # 2 Family Bond by Babysqid 67.8K 801 16 She needs to 'come out of the closet' and tell her family who she really is. (Luna gets infected. Why are you here? It wasnt your fault that Lincoln is poisoned. Things like that do happen. Why? ok in this imma just do lynn cuz if u have seen the re Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. I can't wait for mom and dad to hear this. Your dinner is getting cold! No more squirrel suit! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ), (Lincoln and Bobby turns to Lori and sees her holding her stomach in pain. I tried asking other sisters for help, but they didnt work out so well, so I thought you and Lori wouldnt help me. Luan has a habit of sometimes saying 'but seriously' after delivering a pun, to show that she is being serious. I'll be here for you and take good care of you while the others are out. Lincoln: Hey, let's go home. Luna: Oh my godthat's a great idea! Lori: No Leni. Her name comes from the Joker playing card, and the fact that she tells jokes. Clyde: (on his knees) But please forgive us for spying on you! You might want to check out up the other drone right now. Luna: Dude! I'm so sorry. The title of this fanfic is based on the title of the 2017 movie "The Big Sick". Lincoln: Well, do you have any better ideas? The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. She freed herself from a cage like Houdini. "Come on. Leni: Looks like someones tired and sick. He join renee and her group of goth friends. Her eyebrows were also less curved and rather pointy, while her nose was less pointy and more curved. Lynn: Which is why we only saw Lana, Lola, and Leni. The sisters minus Lola, Lisa and Lynn: Fine *Everybody went to eat but Lynn Jr and the parents*. However, he acts disrespectful toward Lincoln, mocking him when Luke (Luna) uses him to clean the toilet, when Leon (Lily) bites his thumb instead of kissing it, and when they tease him about Ronnie Anne. Her most common pranking methods are dodging people in the face with pies and placing a whoopie cushion on others' seats. How will it end? Leni: Don't worry. I will try to be there as fast I can. Luna (worried): Comon dudes! Leni: (notices Lincoln looking down) Is something wrong Lincoln? Lori: Well we were hoping you would like to go golfing with us. Lynn Jr: Careful! Make Lana drink it.

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loud house luan sick fanfiction
